10 Healthy Tips to Keep You from Looking Like Santa by Christmas

10 Healthy Tips to Keep You from Looking Like Santa by Christmas

January 13, 2021 by admin

If you usually feel like Santa or Mrs. Clause by the time New Year’s arrives then you are in the right place. Check out these tips to help you enjoy the holidays without adding unwanted rolls to your midsection!

1. Stress Less! The holidays can amp our stress levels into the stratosphere. Added pressure can often lead to increased eating and snacking. Try controlling tension levels by getting endorphin releasing acupuncture; taking a bubble bath; plugging into your favorite healing music; getting a soothing massage, or just chilling your brain with some meditation. You can also manage stress levels by making sure you don’t over commit yourself during this busy time of year.

2. The gym is your best friend. It may be tempting to skip on your exercise when you get crunched for time trying to fit in cooking, cleaning, shopping, and wrapping gifts but don’t do it! Not only will your workout keep off the dreaded holiday 5-10 pound gain by burning calories, it will help you keep your sanity by reducing the stress hormone, cortisol. This helps because increased levels of the hormone causes higher insulin levels which can cause your blood sugar to drop. If your blood sugar drops you crave sweet, sugary foods. Also, higher insulin levels means your body can’t burn fat. It actually puts you into fat storage mode!

3. Acupressure on the ear can help push those cravings away. Your acupuncturist (I know a good one :o) can help you by putting either a semi-permanent needle or a small magnetic ball on your appetite control point in the ear. If you get the needle you needn’t do anything. If you get the magnetic ball you simply press on it whenever you feel a craving for something sweet or fattening.

4. Your nose knows! Use essential of oils to help reduce cravings. Grapefruit, peppermint, bergamot, lemon, fennel and lavender are a few of the oils that have been linked with decreased appetite and weight control.

5. Get to bed on time. Under sleepers are over eaters. Studies have shown that when people don’t get enough sleep they have increased levels of a hunger hormone called ghrelin and decreased levels of the satiety/fullness hormone called leptin. This sets you up for overeating and weight gain. Studies show people eat about an extra 300 calories a day when not well rested.

6. Mind what you eat. So many times we just mindlessly pick at food during social gatherings. Make yourself account for every morsel you put in your mouth. Think about it. Decide if what you are about to eat is what you really desire. Cookies taste oh so good in the moment but feel oh so regretful when you can’t fit into that sexy New Year’s Eve number you already purchased!

7. If you have an event, make sure you eat a small meal before you go. Feeling satisfied will help you be less inclined to pick at the sugary, fattening appetizers usually served at these gatherings.

8. Portion control to the rescue. OK, OK. You’ve been so, so good thus far. You’ve stuck with your workouts, watched what you’ve been eating, managed your stress and have been sleeping like a baby. But this Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Spicy Caramel Sauce and Vanilla Bean Creme Anglaise will not stop staring at you and whispering your name like a sweet lover. Go ahead and partake…within reason! Set your limits and stick with them. Make sure to savor the moment!

9. Use a smaller plate. Studies show that the larger the plate the larger the portions. Fight this by using the smaller plates to cut down on portion sizes and total calorie intake.

10. Weigh yourself often. Keeping track of your weight can help you manage it much more effectively. The beastly scale can be your foe but it can also be your friend by allowing you to stay on top of things. It is much easier to take off a pound or two than ten!

Stay focused on the end game but also relax, and remember to ENJOY your holidays!

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

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