Flower Remedies that Cool Hot Flashes & Calm the Crazy

Flower Remedies that Cool Hot Flashes & Calm the Crazy

January 13, 2021 by admin

Menopause is no picnic for many women. It slowly starts to creep up on us and as time goes by, we realize something is just not right. Maybe we become uncharacteristically irritable, depressed or anxious.
Some of us may experience heart palpitations and worst case scenario, all of the above. Sound sleep may become a distant memory as nights become nothing more than short, interrupted catnaps. It’s when hot flashes start the alarms blazing that it finally hits, we may be going through a major change.
But all is not lost, as Mother Nature has provided some tools to help ease our transition. Bach Flowers are some of those tools. Dr. Edward Bach discovered 38 flower remedies to help with various emotional and physical aspects of human nature.
There are several remedies that may help with the transition. For example, for those of us that try to rail against the aging process by putting on a facade of exaggerated youth, Agrimony combined with Heather can be very helpful. Think cougar here , or that one friend that is always wearing something she should have stopped wearing 10 (umm…20) years ago.
For someone who has been strongly suppressed in their sexuality, they can start to seem a bit crazed or obsessed during menopause. Cherry Plum can take the pressure off. With hot flashes add Impatiens, Rock Rose, and Walnut. Walnut is awesome at restoring hormonal balance while Impatiens can help reduce the general restless feelings.
Many women start to lose confidence in themselves during this time. Our society does not generally lavish attention, show due respect, or acknowledge the value of our aging population . It can be very difficult for women to continue to find value in themselves and feel useful. Larch can not only help find that new self-confidence, it also may help prevent osteoporosis. Bonus!
Besides balancing hormones, Walnut is used to help during any phase of change in life. It is used during teething, puberty, divorce, birth, death and menopause. It helps us reorient ourselves and gives us a renewed sense of order and balance. Bonus…flower remedies are made in a brandy base. Enjoy!







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Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

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