Ginger is Pure Gold

Ginger is Pure Gold

January 13, 2021 by admin

As I was studying Chinese medicine and acupuncture I noticed that ginger was used frequently in Chinese herbal formulas. I loved ginger as I was familiar with it from a Western position but had absolutely no idea how healing this herb actually was!  I knew that it aided digestion, helped with nausea and morning sickness, and was very tasty but was clueless as to the numerous applications that ginger could be used.

As I continued my studies I learned that according to Chinese medicine, ginger is a warming herb that has a direct impact on the lungs, stomach and spleen. It is commonly used to treat colds and coughs. It helps purge phlegm from the lungs.  It warms the digestive system, particularly the stomach, which can stop vomiting.  It is also used as a tonic to boost a persons qi, or life force and can enhance immunity.  Ginger can reduce the toxicity of other Chinese herbs which is one reason it is found in so many different formulas.  Also, the skin of ginger can be used to promote urination and reduce edema. It is particularly helpful for those suffering from a cold or flu that do not improve once they start sweating.

Caution has to be used with certain individuals.  For instance, ginger can increase blood pressure, heart rate and respiration.

Some more noted uses of ginger include allergies, hay fever, headaches, motion sickness, circulatory disorders, and arteriosclerosis. It is even used in acupuncture in combination with a herb called moxa.  The acupuncturists put slices of ginger over the belly button and poke holes in it. The moxa herb is shaped into a cone and placed on top of the ginger and set on fire.  As it burns down the warmth and properties of the ginger and moxa help heal the digestive disorders the patient has.  It is very effective with those diagnosed with “cold in the stomach”.

Next time you find yourself coming down with a cold you can try making a tea with slices of fresh ginger and dates.  This is a commonly used remedy and can be very effective if you catch the cold early enough.  I always knew this spicy little herb was delicious, but until trained as a Doctor of Oriental Medicine I had no idea how many healing properties it has!

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

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