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August 4, 2021 adminWomen's Health

For the majority of women, menopause really blows. Just when you feel like you had life all figured out Mother Nature laughs her ass off and says, “I don’t think so!”. Not only does the universe abruptly decide that you’re no longer fit to conceive children, it also bestows upon you an assortment of crappy symptoms that make PMS look like child’s play. You also find out that “by the hair of your chinny, chin, chin” isn’t just a fairy tale.

Hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, reduced libido, sleep problems – it’s common for menopausal women to experience a whole host of ailments that make life miserable.

There’s no two ways about it: menopause is a real pain in the ass (figuratively speaking – ass pains are mercifully not a symptom). The question is what can you do about it? Being told “This is a perfectly normal biological process” by every medical practitioner and health blog means nothing when it’s 3:00am, and you’re wide awake doing the backstroke in your own sweat.  

Though you can’t escape menopause, there are many solutions. There are integrative medical practitioners that can help with acupuncture, stress management, nutritional changes, and a number of supplements you can take to ease the symptoms, and get back to feeling like yourself again.

Here are the most effective (backed by studies) you can get your hands on:

Vitamin D

Menopausal women are susceptible to osteoporosis, a condition whereby bones weaken and become brittle.  Vitamin D is helpful in this case because it aids the body’s absorption of bone strengthening minerals, like calcium and phosphorus. It is something we naturally acquire through sunlight exposure, but for many, spending time in the sun isn’t always realistic. Currently over 42% of American’s are deficient in vitamin D. 

Supplementary capsules are helpful for those who spend a lot of time indoors (let’s be honest – that’s many of us).  Or live in one of those places where the sky is eternally sad and grey (Hello, Portland, OR or England). Even in areas of plentiful sun, like Florida, many still find they are deficient in vitamin D.


In addition to vitamin D, calcium is critical to help maintain bone health. Over 40% of American’s do not meet calcium requirements. This deficiency is exacerbated by taking antacids or by low acid levels in the stomach. As we age our stomach acid secretions decline so this can be common among menopausal women. It is important to note that calcium supplements should be in divided doses. If you take a large amount all at once, absorption will be poor. It is best to split the dose and take it twice a day.


This powerful mineral serves several functions in the human body and is effective in allaying symptoms caused by menopause. Similar to vitamin D, it plays a role in maintaining bone density.  But magnesium is mainly regarded for its favorable impact on sleep.

Sleep disturbances and associated energy problems are one of the foremost struggles in menopausal women.  Magnesium helps calm the nervous system, in turn improving sleep quality and energy levels. Not sure how effective it is in reducing screaming at children, spouses, co-workers or random people but it can’t hurt.

Seeds, nuts and leafy greens tend to be high in magnesium, but you can ensure you’re getting enough by adding supplements to your diet.

Red Clover

Red clover sounds like the name of an innocent-looking yet deadly assassin. Fitting for a menopause supplement, right? Fortunately the reality is less terrifying. Red clover is actually a dark pink flowering plant that contains high levels of isoflavone, an estrogenic compound.

During menopause, there is a natural reduction in estrogen levels, a hormone that plays a central role in female sexual and reproductive health. Isoflavones can mimic estrogen, providing a hormonal boost.  Studies show that they can be effective for reducing hot flashes when ingested routinely. Bonus, it can also help improve skin and hair, lower cholesterol, and benefit sleep.


Omega 7’s

Usually taken in the form of Sea Buckthorn Oil capsules, Omega 7 is a fatty acid that encourages skin cell regeneration and moisturization.  Studies show that this oil can reverse vaginal atrophy in menopausal women. It also increases moisture levels which can reduce pain during sex. Pair that with 3 grams of red Korean ginseng per day and you might find yourself feeling like Cardi B, ready to grind.


Flaxseed is rich with lignans, a type of phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens have estrogenic properties and when consumed can have similar effects to the hormone itself. A 2002 study showed that supplementing with flaxseed is as effective as hormonal replacement therapy in raising estrogen levels and reducing mild menopause symptoms.


Angelica (Dong Quai)

Angelica, dong quai, female ginseng, tang-kui, dang-gui; many names and many benefits. 

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine, angelica has estrogen-like effects when consumed.  Admittedly more research is needed to support its purported benefits, but it has been used medicinally for over 1,000 years. Anything that endures an entire millennium has to be somewhat effective, right?

These are a few recommendations to start the process of restoring your sanity and start feeling like the bad ass bitch you are. Menopause brain is real and it can be a confusing time.  Not everyone can navigate the waters by themselves. Honestly, remembering why the hell you walked into a room is a challenge. If you need guidance don’t hesitate to find a qualified practitioner to help set you on the right path. Your best bet is finding a good acupuncturist or certified functional medicine practitioner. One that won’t try to slap an antidepressant on you and call it a day. Can’t find anyone you’re comfortable with? Contact my office for a virtual consultation at 954.228.3445. Namaste!

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Evolution Rejuvenation 2023. All rights reserved.

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